We believe that through training, us as members of the public, can up skill ourselves and take ownership of our safety and security in and around our homes. Knowledge is power! Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch has negotiated various discounts for our members.

If you offer training in the safety or security industry, please get in touch!

Disclaimer: SWNW does not endorse these companies. Members who participate will do so at their own discretion and risk. Members who want to enrol or make use of these services offered, should contact the supplier directly.

TRUE Krav Maga

Course: Civilian Tactical
(NW ID card to be presented)
25% DISCOUNT on above training course, to FULL Neighbourhood Watch Members
Contact person: Jacques van der Westhuizen
Tel: 082 417 5313
Email: somersetwest@truekravmaga.co


The Gunnery

Course: Firearms training and Competency
(NW ID card to be presented)
50% DISCOUNT on above training course, to FULL Neighbourhood Watch Members, when purchasing a firearm.
Contact person: Carl
Tel: 072 615 6568
Email: carl@gunneryguns.com