Join us

Join us and be a part of the solution towards a safer more caring community. SWNW is one of the most sophisticated and successful Neighbourhood Watches in the country. It’s free to join, so tell your friends and neighbours!
Ask us

Who are we? What do we do? How do we work? Who do we work with? What are the benefits? What can you do to help? Click below to find the answers to these and other frequently asked questions you may have.
Our Partners

Our security company partners have all agreed to support the community by providing free proactive patrols. Collectively, we provide the fastest and most coordinated response to crime and other emergencies that is available.
Our Supporters
If you’d like to show your support for Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch, you might like to advertise in this space. All revenue raised is used to support the NW Communications Centre which helps to coordinate …
News & Events
Somerset West Golf Day Reschedule
To All Golf Day Participants, Supporters and Players Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule our Golf Day from the 5th September 2024 to 17th October 2024. We are truly sorry for having [...]
Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch Golf Day
We are thrilled to announce that Radio Cape Town will be broadcasting live at this year's Annual Golf Day on the 17th of October 2024 at the Somerset West Golf Course. ⛳ Registration: This [...]
Scrap and eWaste Recycling
The Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch hosted another successful eWaste and scrap metal collection drive on Saturday 4 August. This quarterly collection drive provides the opportunity to get rid of eWaste and scrap metal in a [...]